Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How 5 Dollars Saved My Life

This is so weird:

This morning after my first class, I was starving and so I went to get lunch. I realized then that I forgot my ID card at home and I didn't have any cash on me. I didn't have enough time between classes to walk home and even if I did I didn't have the key to my apartment right then. If I was late to my next class I would lose 5 points off my total grade. I had class till 5:30 so I wouldn't have been able to go home and eat till then. I was screwed.

I went to the Thespian office to see if there was anyone there that I would be comfortable borrowing money from. Of course today, of all days, no one was in the Thespian office.  I waited up there for about an hour and no one came so I decided to head to class. I had also decided to attempt to steal something from the convenience store, I was sooo hungry and desperate at this point. This seemed like my only option.

So I went to return the Thespian key to the front desk and I went on my way to attempt to steal food and I saw 5 dollars sitting on the table of the HUB info desk. I looked around, no one seemed to be looking at the money or acknowledging it. No one was around. So I took the 5 dollars and bought food. (A 4 dollar slice of pizza; hey, remember when pizza was a dollar??).

Of all the days in the world for me to find 5 dollars I find it on the day when I desperately need it. Isn't that so weird?? What a strange coincidence.

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