We went to see the opening night midnight showing of The Dark Knight tonight. By 'we' I mean me and the two young girls I babysit for (parent's approved). We were definitely in the most exciting, and certainly most drama filled, of the ten theaters showing this movie.
So someone starts passing around a beach ball. All fun and games until I get passed the ball and as I would I hit it into this dude's head accidentally. He calls me a douchebag. It would have been fine except, again, I'm was with two of the girls I babysit for. The entire next day, all I hear is 'What's a douchebag?', 'What's a douchebag?', 'What does it mean?'. Fun for me.
So the guy I hit gots mad and popped the beach ball. So it's cool right because the guys behind me who started the beach ball thing had another beach ball. Sweet. We started passing it around again and all of a sudden this crazy beach-ball-nazi bitch stands up and goes, in this white-trailer-trash 'I wish I were truly' ghetto voice, 'there is a baby in this theatre and if anyone gets that beach ball near the baby I am gon' get the manager!' All the while she is doing the ghetto finger swirl of disapproval, all shaking her hips, the whole bit.
So someone accidentally hits the beach ball towards her and she catches it and pops it. The guy behind me goes 'My grandma gave me that beach ball before she died!'. She we finally get someone to pass back the original beach ball. The guys get some tape and blows the ball back up and tapes over the hole. We start passing the ball around again. Crazy Bitch gets up and gives us all the middle finger. People start yelling things like 'Who brings a baby to a midnight show'?, 'it's that baby's bedtime!' and 'Social services!' All legitimate points.
So finally the other beach ball loses momentum and we give up trying to find a third beach ball. The previews start and the guy behind me goes, 'Wait. This is the midnight showing of Mama Mia right?' I I turn to him and I go 'Gee I hope so.' And then we all quiet down.
Surprisingly, the baby doesn't cry the whole movie. But seriously, who brings a baby to the midnight showing of Batman? UMMMM.........
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