Imagine the situation:
A seven-year-old girl walks to the bus stop everyday with another young girl in the neighborhood. As time progresses they develop a friendship. Naturally, seven-year-old girl hopes to go trick-or-treating with her bus stop friend. This seems fair enough.
Until the parents get involved.
Now before I give details, let me point out we are dealing with a parent who goes by the name of "Cricket." Yes. And this should be a sign of trouble. If your name is also the name of a brown-nosed, high-class, snobby game played in England, (though not spelled the same) you're bound for pretentiousness. And we are delivered with nothing less.
So Mom of seven-year-old girl is not "in" with the other moms in the neighborhood (including Cricket). She does not attend their supper club. Which, obviously, is a horrible thing. I mean, come on, you're a mom with a full-time job, a house, a husband, two kids, a dog, there is still plenty of time left for supper clubs and well, all Moms should be a part of them because they are just the be-all, end-all best thing ever.
So Cricket, the head of the supper club, after being informed of the desire of seven-year-old girl to go trick-or-treating with her daughter (bus stop friend) is absolutely appalled. I mean, who does seven-year-old girl think she is? Her daughter cannot be seen with seven-year-old girl when seven-year-old girl's Mom isn't part of the supper club! Unheard of! Absolutely absurd! What was going through that child's head?? Doesn't she know anything? (She might know how to play a piano, but that's besides the point).
So naturally, Cricket writes a hand-written letter to seven-year-old girl's Mom explaining in four pages of detail why seven-year-old girl cannot trick-or-treat with her daughter. (Honestly, the nerve of some people, thinking their kids can just be friends and trick-or-treat with each other without considering the social repercussions.)
Cricket. Her name is Cricket.
Now this is some Desperate Housewives meets The Stepford Wives (Bette Midler version of course) type stuff. You have GOT to be kidding me. A child can't trick-or-treat with her friend because their moms don't socialize in the same circle????? This really happens in real life? Unreal. And as flustered as I am to know that this is a true story, being angry about it isn't worth my time, because it is absolutely absurd and there are just NO words. And, though I do secretly want to be able to tell people that I smacked a woman named Cricket, I will just pretend.
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