I am innocently trudging my way to the football game this afternoon when I run into a pair of drunk guys on High Street. "You came out of the blue!" the one says to me. "um...what?" is my response. (Read the rest as: drunk guy, then my response.) "Haha its cuz you're wearing a blue shirt get it?" "Uh..." "Hey! You're wearing a shark tooth for a necklace." "No, it's not a shark tooth, its the rope from clue." "What?" "Clue, the game." "Blues Clues?" "No, no, Clue. You know, "Professor Plum with the knife in the library." "Oh I get it the game where you put your fingers on the triangle thing and summon ghosts!" "No, that's a Ouija board." "Your shark necklace is from a Ouija board?" "No, it's from clue." " Yeah Blues Clues." "Ok sure, fine, whatever."
Minutes later on East College a guy on a drunken rampage throws two unopened Gatorades onto the sidewalk and then runs away as if he just threw down a grenade or something. Free Gatorade for me!
Just about then is when I overhear this conversation. Guy has arm around short girl (a little shorter than me if that gives you a good visual). "Hey!" the guy yells to another guy. "Hey! I'm gonna make out with this girl." "Why the hell are you conversing with a person that short?" Is the response. ?????
That's when I pass by a guy who has decided I'm the perfect girl to play tin can soccer with. He kicks the can to me and then runs to an imaginary goal as if I'm just going to stop whatever I'm doing to play a game of tin can soccer. Ok?
But my favorite by far is when, moments later, I accidentally make eye contact with a random guy for two seconds thus prompting him to point at me, smile, and go "you!" Yes, me.